Thursday, June 5, 2008

The final chapter on the abducted chick!

Beginning where we left off... the adult Gentoo moves angrily towards the Albatross. And the little guy is more than ticked off. He's out for war.


After nipping the second offender, the adult Gentoo turns towards the chick-calling out orders for the frightened chick to get up and to fight his fear. As an extra measure, the Gentoo adult barks out a warning to all other birds over the rights to the chick. He then turns toward the chick as if to say, "Get up-NOW!" The chick moves towards the home with the adult behind him and a hopeful skua in tow. But no one wants to tackle the Gentoo. The adult Gentoo, and remember that this bird is not the parent, guides the chick back to the nest safely.

Now, how can anyone NOT love a penguin?


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