Sunday, January 13, 2008

This past week--sigh...

The final image from NestCam, as the storm raged on, as the terrible storm with sustained winds at 50+knots continued for over 2 days.

Dear Readers and fans of all things penguin,

I admit to feeling sad this week; in fact, a part of me is grieving because now I will no longer watch Fred and Ginger interact with their parents and the rest of the world. Now, I'm glad I made so many "grabs." There are a few that I will frame and place on my wall of penguin fame.

But there is a part of me--that hopeless (?) optimist that says if there is a way, I will do all I can to make it happen. I write about National Geographic sponsoring our penguin rookery. NG has done so much for other places and their name alone stands for truth and class in presentation. Regardless whether they are interested or not, I have respected NG from childhood. It is the only magazine that I take time to read. So, please, write to NG and ask them to sponsor our penguin site. Tell your friends to do the same. As an animal activist, I know that perseverance pays and need presages acquisition.
Now, for a few pictures of the past week: a look at Fred and Ginger and Romeo and Juliet.

Peeking out

The broken cable

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