Sunday, January 20, 2008

It's Penguin Awareness Day!!!


Yes, it is Penguin Awareness Day for the entire world... and what should one do on a day such as this? Here are some suggestions:

1. Dress in black and white. People may not think "penguin" but if enough people do it, they might.

2. Visit a penguin website to learn more about the different species, where they live, and whether they build their nests on Antarctica or not.

3. Write a letter to your senator or representative regarding overfishing the seas. The Care2 website is a great place to start, but check out Oceania, Greenpeace, and the World Wildlife Fund. Join one of these great organizations.

4. Adopt a penguin. I've adopted two so far, and I plan to do more. Phillip Island in New Zealand is a great place to adopt a little blue/fairy penguin. WWF? Emperors. Or the Falkland Islands website--several places to do adoptions and your money does a good thing for these birds.

5. Write a story or a report on one of the species of penguin. Even if you've never been to Antarctica or the sub-Antarctic islands, you can stretch you imagination. It's fun.

6. Rent a penguin movie. Happy Feet is showing on HBO at this point. Rent a documentary... there is so much to learn. Invite friends over and have a penguin party.

7. Make a penguin collage from pictures "clipped" from the net. You can proudly display it on your wall so that you will be reminded every day that these birds share this world with you.

8. Learn the names of all 17 species of penguin and where they are located.

9. Make a Penguin Awareness Day card and send it to a friend or loved one.

10. And most importantly, remember that without these birds, our planet would be all the poorer in species diversity and for the loss of beauty and wonder that these birds inspire. (Check out Arkive website for some neat short movies).

Here's hoping that today, and every day, you will remember our southernmost friends.

Best to all,


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