Monday, March 10, 2008

Weekly Update

Apologies for the lack of images this week, as first, I had to be the student and second, since Cams 1 & 2 are no longer functioning, I have little to show.

The penguins are coming back from feeding and roosting in the rookery, but the days grow shorter and the nights longer. I'm not for sure when they will leave for winter, but it should be soon. The storms will grow in magnitude and the ice will reclaim the area around Gars O'Higgins.

We can only hope that the Cams will become active for a few more weeks, until the Gentoos leave for the season. The last storm unplugged them. Drats!

But here are the latest pix and I hope next week to have something more substantial to post for you all.

Ahay from Antarctica,
wiinterrr le blonde adelie





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