Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Week in Review~~December 2nd, 2007

Even as we eagerly await the hatching of the eggs, we realize that this is the hard part... the wait. The weather has not been too terribly bad, but today, the snow fell again.

Also noticed that JC is a bit spent after the second egg, which was laid during the week. Unfortunately, I had to be at school and homework took my attention, so until she moved on the nest yesterday, I wasn't sure that there was a second one.

How do I tell JC and RM apart? JC has an old wound on the flipper on her left side. And by that, I have noticed her persistence in sitting on the nest.

Our friends at O'Higgins Station were busy this week, moving snow in order to see or install instruments that are necessary for their research. Just wanted to send a friendly wave and to thank them again for braving the cold in order that we can follow the Gentoos.

Of course, JC takes the loveliest of pictures and she is ever alert for any
aspect of danger.

Notice the freeloader who would love to take one of her eggs. Not for sure, but it looks like a tern. Regardless, JC did not approve of its proximity.

However, rest assured, we have a second egg. Woo-hoo!

Nothing much going on at King Edwards Point on South Georgia Island... merely a few seals sunning near the bay.

Stay tuned, penguininos... more later.


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