Sunday, March 2, 2008

Weekly Update

Surprisingly, the Gentoos have not left. March has ushered itself in with the usual fanfare--much like a lion. However, when March leaves here, it does not go out like a lamb. It leaves like a pride of lions, hungry for April.

The group seems to be whole, for the most part. Only a quarter of the rookery have left for other parts. The young ones return to the Station at night, to roost until the ever shortened daylight returns and once more, they all leave for most of the day to fish.

I will continue to post updates weekly until the cams are removed for the season, but I will let everyone know when of that last date. I want to thank my friends at Gars O'Higgins for everything that they have allowed us to see and experience. Their kindness has allowed students, penguin lovers (in general), environmentalists, biologists, and people like me who are a combination of all of the aforementioned, to feel a part of our living world for another year. Without these kind men, we would have lost so much from our lives.

And now, the pictures of the week:


Truly one of those rare days this time of the year.


Snow and notice the newly molted chick at the bottom left. The white band is not fully across the top of the head.


Tired and sleepy after a long day at sea.


If it looks like fog, chances are it's snow--especially in March.


The penguins are everywhere looking, socializing, but the fast ice comes soon.


It's a new world to our little ones, and the adventure continues each day.

And finally, the sunset behind the mountain within the dense cloud cover. That's it for this week... Ahay from Antarctica--wiinterrr


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